Content production
Content production – 101 STORIES!
Whatever your business needs, Tulus’ communication professionals are here to help! From strategic content planning to precise and agile implementation.
Who wants to publish impact-less content that no one notices? We help you maintain a strategic grip on content production and work with you to define content objectives, target audiences and the publishing channels that serve you the best. Monitoring and reporting on message delivery is part of our service.
Tulus has a strong track record and years of experience in areas such as sustainability communications and multi-channel recruitment and HR communications. Whether it’s forestry, construction, ICT, welding, maritime, heavy industry, health or welfare, the vocabulary and the industry trends are already familiar.
Content strategies and
content design
We know: workin in communication is often putting out one fire after another. But fires are easier to put out with a partner who supports your planning, helps you prioritise, reminds you of deadlines and sticks to mutually agreed goals.
With Tulus involved in the strategy and planning phase, you are sure to have a strong partner for communication throughout the season.
Let’s develop your strategy, design effective actions and complement with channel-specific core messages and targeted campaigns. Together we can do better, and more!
Annual reports and
sustainability reports
Tulus’ content creators are used to working with on large-scale projects, balancing challenging schedules, dozens of expert interviews, comment rounds, language versions and parallel visual content design.
Let Tulus help you plan and compile your annual report and produce, for example, your sustainability reports.
We also take care of the coordination, i.e. finding and instructing resources, keeping to the schedule and ensuring the quality of the end result.

Articles, blog posts and press releases
A press release? A message for the intranet? Content for a newsletter? Ghostwriting? Thirty case stories for your annual report?
Let Tulus help you with the content production and make your everyday life easier. We write in Finnish and English and master different styles and tones.
Demanding content and language versions? No problem!
We specialise in demanding articles that delve into issues such as technology or business and economics.
We also have years of experience handling demanding language versioning projects on time, as well as proofreading and editing existing material.
Media communication
Several Tulus employees are former journalists. We know what makes a reporter pick up the phone and a photographer recharge their camera batteries for an intense story trip.
Social media
On social media, you only have a few seconds to stop someone from scrolling and attract a click. Creative language and channels-specific engaging visuals will help.
Search engine optimisation
Want to make sure the content on your website is up to date and understandable for search engines? Let’s improve your site together!
Want to be content with your content? Contact us, and we’ll put things right!

Project Manager & Communications Specialist
+358 44 751 0211

CEO, Communications Specialist
+358 50 579 3205