B2B Marketing

Purchasing decisions in the B2B market are tricky. Decisions are sometimes painfully slow and occasionally they are made quickly to avoid a crisis or meet a deadline. As a marketer, you must be both a long-term strategist looking ten years ahead and an everyday hero smoothly juggling dozens of marketing methods and channels.

Tulus is your trusted partner in the hustle and bustle of B2B marketing. We support you in both long-term brand building and the daily needs of marketing updates and publications. Tulus is experienced in international digital marketing, helping you keep your sales journey on track and your brand consistent, even when managing ten channels in ten different languages

While most of our clients operate in the B2B field, we also support our customers in consumer marketing in sectors like travel, construction, and energy. We help you find the right channels for your messages and plan and execute winning campaigns.


Is your company standing out in an increasingly competitive market? In the B2B market, the brand plays a crucial role in shortening the sales cycle and getting on the consideration list. We help clarify your brand and keep it consistent, visually appealing, and appropriately toned.

As an agency with a communication background, our strength lies in a strategic approach to branding: we let the company’s long-term goals, values, and responsibility also serve as the brand’s cornerstones.

Let’s get to work!
Workshops to clarify the brand
Brand books and visual guidelines
Tone of voice
Visual brand redesigns
Brand management support services for marketing materials
Brand-compliant marketing and communication materials
Developing a brand-compliant customer experience

Web design

Tulus helps you develop a consistent, systematic, cost-effective, and brand-compliant web presence.

High-quality content in ten language versions, search engine optimization, professional UI/UX design, and agile implementation: all from one source. We help optimize SEO visibility, Google campaigns, social media, and CRM systems into a smooth, sales-generating whole.

Let’s get to work!
Web design and redesigns
WordPress and Optimizely
Search engine optimization
Content marketing
Google tools
Marketing automation
Creative design
Sales journeys and customer experience

Marketing automation

Marketing automation keeps your company in the potential customer’s mind until and after the purchase moment! It ensures that the customer receives the necessary information at each stage of the buying journey, whether it’s recognizing a need, searching for information, or comparing options. We help design, manage, localize, and update materials and automation paths, and brainstorm profitable new ways to reach your customers with the right message and content at different stages of the buying journey. Our content marketing expertise and high-quality content production ensure that your materials are compelling.

Let’s get to work!
Marketing automation tools: Active Campaign, Salesforce, and Hubspot
Designing and managing automation paths
Content creation
Localization and targeting for different markets and market segments
Landing pages and forms
Campaigns and content for various stages of the buying journey
Reporting, analyzing, and developing
A/B testing

Newsletter marketing

Newsletters continue as one of the most succesful forms of direct marketing. Marketing automation provides the information needed for message customization and audience segmentation, helping offer better-targeted newsletter content to customer groups.

. In the B2B market, newsletters maintain customer relationships between purchase decisions and provide supporting information to customers at different stages of the buying journey. Tulus’ experts have experience with a dozen different platforms and have at least five in use, so we can handle the production, delivery and development of your newsletter too. Our experts have experience with perhaps ten different platforms and use at least five, so we can certainly handle your newsletter production, sending, and development.

Let’s get to work!
Managing and operating newsletter tools
Content planning and production
Visual design and graphic elements
Newsletter delivery
Reporting results and A/B testing
Brand-compliant development of newsletter marketing

Meta and LinkedIn

We support you in goal-oriented and results-driven organic and paid social media marketing, helping audiences find your products and community. Tulus designs and executes your ad campaigns on Meta tools for Instagram and Facebook, as well as LinkedIn. We find the right angles and audiences with you, carry out A/B tests, and measure and analyze the results. Then a new round begins, even more effective and with better information. Our creative content producers and graphic designers create brand-compliant and accurate messages for you.

We measure success for you and compile reports on reach, user engagement, website traffic, and conversions. Our reporting and measurement tool, the Tulus Radar service, is ideal for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of your social media efforts.

Let’s get to work!
Campaign ideas and planning
Campaign materials
Executing campaigns
Monitoring and reporting
Goal-oriented development of efficiency and content

Google Marketing

Although search behavior is at a crossroads with voice search and AI peeking around the corner, Google’s tools are still the clear leader in organic search and a good tool for developing marketing and sales. Tulus content producers automatically make all web materials search engine friendly.

Using the Google Search tool and keyword research, search engine visibility can always be developed. More detailed analysis always brings new insights and understanding into content marketing. In addition to organic visibility, we take care of your paid search engine visibility and create Google Search and Display campaigns and YouTube campaigns.

Let’s get to work!
Search engine optimization and organic visibility
Google Analytics as a tool for developing websites
Google Search Console for developing search visibility
Google keyword advertising
Google Display advertising
YouTube advertising


Search engine optimization

Are you redesigning your website and want to make sure that the visitors find it? Want to make sure your articles are optimized? Do your website contents need an SEO wake-up call? Let’s capture insights and actions together from the data!


Are you preparing for a trade show? Tulus has your back! We design your trade show booth and handle the procurement. We take care of pre- and post-marketing, and on the event day, we arrive with a ready content plan.

LinkedIn Services

LinkedIn offers many opportunities for meaningful B2B communication, both for company profiles and expert visibility, in organic and paid visibility. Tulus supports networking and produces winning company content with you!

Looking for a reliable partner in B2B marketing? We’ve got your back!

Liisa Oksanen


Development Manager, Communications Specialist
+358 44 751 3104

Johanna Lassy-Mäntyvaara


Digital Communications Project Manager
+358 50 579 3203

Liisa Oksanen


Social Media Specialist
+358 50 579 3206


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