How to get the most out of LinkedIn’s algorithm in 2024

Content is still king on LinkedIn. Nevertheless, understanding how to make the algorithm happy doesn’t harm! 

LinkedIn has from its very beginning been about professional networking. It has developed from a rather dry list of career news to a full-blown social media with personal posts and viral videos. So much so, that some criticise the platform for being “like Facebook” instead of a professional social media.  

With its latest updates, the LinkedIn algorithm strives to limit viral posts and strengthen interaction. To do this, the algorithm now places greater emphasis on: 

Relevance: Content must resonate with your specific audience. 

Expertise: Posts should reflect your knowledge and authority in the field you are posting about. 

Engagement: Meaningful comments, from people who have historically been interested in your post topic. 


The power of relevant comments 

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Due to the changes, some users have noted a drop in reach. On the other hand, posts now tend to enjoy a longer lifespan and might even peak later. 

It is also worth noting that LinkedIn no longer penalises edits, so you can fix that annoying typo without fear for the almighty algorithm. While at the good news, LinkedIn has given us the long-wished-for option to schedule posts directly on the platform. This adds flexibility and makes it easier to post regularly. 

From most LinkedIn users’ point of view, the most important change is probably the weight given to relevant and insightful comments. This means that you can reach a lot of interesting people by sharing your expertise in the comment sections of other people’s posts.  

Another LinkedIn mantra that you have probably heard before, is that consistency is key. This is still valid. Commenting and posting regularly will keep your audience engaged and the algorithm happy. 

Practical tips on what to do to keep the algorithm on your side:

Be ready to engage: Post when you can spend at least 15 minutes responding to comments. 

Timed responses: Comment on your posts in intervals, e.g. 2, 8, and 24 hours after posting. 

Use various content types: Leverage different formats to keep your feed interesting. 

Repost : Increase visibility by reposting relevant content. 

Respond to comments: Engage with those who comment on your posts. 

Preferred days: Post on Tuesdays, Thursdays (and Saturdays) for optimal reach. 

Quick LinkedIn tips for busy professionals:

Yes, you know it! You should be more active on LinkedIn. Chances are that you already know how, but you just don’t have the time.  If this sounds familiar, these bonus tips to quickly up your LinkedIn game are for you! 

Optimise your profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and complete. 

Visit regularly: Engage with LinkedIn frequently, not just to post. 

Interact: The algorithm favours interaction, so comment and react often. 

Schedule: Use scheduling features to maintain consistency. 

Post in varying formats: Utilise different content types to maintain variety. 


Despite constant algorithm changes, the essence of LinkedIn remains. The platform is still about networking and sharing meaningful, high-quality content. By focusing on interaction, consistency and relevance, you can significantly enhance your LinkedIn presence. 

As they say, content is king, but engagement is queen – and she rules the house! 

This blog post is based on Tulus Academy LinkedIn training material, which again is based on various sources. You can for example learn more about the LinkedIn algorithm from Richard van der Blom on LinkedIn. 

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